The Faculty of Law and Political Science was delighted to welcome Professor Matthew Happold from the University of Luxembourg to deliver an Open Lecture at the Faculty of Law and Political Science on Wednesday 13th June. Professor Happold, an expert on Public International Law, chose the theme “International Law in a Multipolar World, Perspectives in the Age of Trump, Putin and Brexit.”

More than 140 professors and students attended the lecture, in which Professor Happold gave a tour d’horizon of past and current developments in international law. The Professor looked briefly at the sources of international law and the benefits it brings to world order, particularly since the Second World War. He outlined examples of how the Trump administration is turning away from a multilateral approach to world affairs in favour of ‘America first’ policy, warning that this may have a destabilising effect on global politics.

The lecture was well received by the large audience and was followed by an extended and lively Q&A session. Professor Happold was visiting Laos as part of the University of Luxembourg’s project to develop academic and legal research skills with the Faculty of Law and Political Science. The Open Lecture series, organised by ILSTA, is proving a very popular attraction among law students, lecturers and guests at the Faculty.
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